There is a medium shot of the artist placed in the centre to obtain attention, her lips are dark to draw attention to her mouth. The object placed around her neck looks like it's made from leaves and flowers etc suggesting she has raw talent and an innocence.
The artist's name is in captials and underlined to clearly establish the artist name; the title of the song looks to be handwritten to give it a personal touch.
There are logos such as hmv and itunes which everyone will recognise, the itunes one helps to promote downloads and is useful when targeting an target audience. As well as established logos there are also established company names, such as The Independant and NME, who give reviews of the song which makes the reader curious to hear what all the commotion is about.
The title on the front cover of the digipak has been enlarged to draw attention, however it could have been made bolder or a different colour to create contrast as well as catch the customer's eye. There is a barcode on the back making the digipak realistic and creating a professional feel.
Inside there is a quote which I presume is a lyrical phrase from the song which could the focus of the theme of both video and digipak design. On one of the sides there is a coloured image which has been edited slightly to bring out blue tones implying the song is sombre, and underneath there is 'xoxo' in a handwritten font referring to the theme/nature of the song.
The finished music video
The song itself is rather dark and moody which reflects in the video. The video is made of a mixture of shots from a park/woodland area, past memories, southend beach, nature (e.g. water, moon) and of the actor standing behind a berry bush; almost masked even by the bush.
The colours are dull reflecting the dark mood/feel of the song; it's only the red berries that really create any contrast.
The actor lip syncs well, she looks into the camera straight on but sometimes looks down or to the side - it's not conventional but that seems to suit both song and actor and works well with the video.
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