Monday, 4 February 2013

New idea for Opening of Our Music Video

Whilst watching music videos on Youtube, an advert came up advertising a new artist and their new music video, normally I would skip these adverts but this one caught my eye...

The music video was for the song 'Lost and Found' by Lianne La Havas.
The opening of the video was in black and white and the opening looked very artistic; this video gave Ellie and I the idea to change our opening of our music video to how this video opens. 
The artist's name and title of the song was well advertised in the video as they are big and bold; drawing in the audience.

To adapt the start of the video to our coursework, we are going to reshoot the start of the video adding in a scene where the protagonist is dancing in the far distance, the shot will be blurred and in black and white, then the titles will dissolve in and out. First the artist's name will appear in the centre of the shot and in a large font size, then the title of the song will dissolve in just slightly smaller in size compared to the artist's name. 

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